
Register now - in less than 2 minutes

One more step to complete your registration

Please confirm your information
  1. Personal information
  2. Private address
    • We will send the registration kit to this address. Please do not enter a business address, since we create your donor profile with this data.
  3. Contact details
    • Please provide us with at least one telephone number (landline or mobile phone). In case you are a potential stem cell donor, it is quickest for us to contact you via telephone.
  4. Additional Information
    • We are not concerned with nationality, but with your genetic ancestry. Please select the country of origin of your parents. If your parents come from different countries, please choose the rarer origin. This information will help us to find the right donor more quickly.
  5. Declaration of Consent
    • Your data is only used in the search for a matching stem cell donor, and in order to make contact with you. All our data is saved on protected servers.
* Mandatory Fields